Open relationships can be tough emotionally

Open relationships, characterized by consensual non-monogamous partnerships, have gained increased visibility and acceptance in recent times. While many view this relationship model as a liberated approach to love and intimacy, it’s essential to understand that like any relationship model, open relationships come with their own unique set of challenges. Primarily, they can be tough emotionally for various reasons.

1. Navigating jealousy

While open relationships work on the premise that one can have deep emotional connections or physical relations with multiple people, jealousy remains a very human emotion. Even with ground rules in place, seeing or knowing your partner is with someone else can spark feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, or possessiveness. Addressing these emotions requires significant self-awareness and robust communication between partners.

2. Balancing time and energy

Having multiple romantic or sexual partners can be time-consuming. Dividing time, attention, and energy between more than one person while ensuring that no one feels neglected can be a daunting task. This juggling act can lead to fatigue, stress, and feelings of being spread too thin.

3. Managing external judgments

Living in a predominantly monogamous society means facing a slew of judgments and misconceptions when it comes to open relationships. Dealing with the skepticism and criticism from friends, family, or societal norms can be emotionally taxing. This external pressure can induce feelings of guilt, shame, or even doubt about one’s choices.

4. Establishing and revisiting boundaries

Open relationships require a clear establishment of boundaries. However, as relationships evolve, boundaries might need reevaluation. Conversations about what’s okay and what isn’t can be challenging and can open the door to misunderstandings or hurt feelings. What might be acceptable to one partner might be deeply unsettling to another.

5. Emotional safety

The sheer number of partners involved in open relationships increases the chances of emotional hurt. The dynamics of multiple partners mean an amplified risk of misunderstandings, feelings of exclusion, or finding oneself in emotionally uncomfortable situations.

6. Fear of loss

One of the most significant emotional challenges in open relationships is the fear of losing one’s primary partner to another person. While the idea is to have a primary bond and then secondary connections, emotional attachments are complex, and there’s no guarantee on how they evolve. The anxiety of being “replaced” or feelings of competition can be daunting.

7. Increased emotional labour

Open relationships demand a lot of emotional labour. Regular check-ins, discussions about feelings, understanding each partner’s needs, and addressing issues as they arise can sometimes feel like a full-time job. This constant need for reassurance and communication, while essential, can also be draining.

8. Facing internalized monogamy ideals

Growing up in societies that champion monogamy means most individuals have internalized this relationship model as the “right” or “normal” way. Opting for an open relationship can lead to internal conflicts. There might be moments of doubt, where one wonders if they are going against their intrinsic nature or if they are making the “right” choice.

9. Risk of compartmentalization

One of the methods people employ to manage multiple relationships is compartmentalization, which involves separating different partners and experiences into distinct “boxes.” while this might work as a coping mechanism, over time, it can lead to emotional detachment, reducing the depth and richness of each relationship.

10. Potential for heartbreak

Like any relationship, open relationships come with the risk of heartbreak. But with multiple partners, some argue that the potential for hurt feelings, misunderstandings, or unreciprocated feelings can be higher.


Open relationships, while offering the allure of multiple connections and experiences, come with their own set of emotional complexities. They demand maturity, self-awareness, excellent communication skills, and a strong sense of security. While they might work brilliantly for some, they can also be emotionally taxing.

It’s crucial for individuals considering or being in open relationships to continually engage in self-reflection, open dialogues with their partners, and possibly even seek external counsel or support groups. The essence lies in understanding that while open relationships break away from traditional monogamy molds, they are not devoid of challenges. However, with understanding, patience, and mutual respect, they can indeed be fulfilling.